Two weekends ago, I visited the exhibition “Kupka, Pioneer of Abstraction”, that is currently presented at the Grand Palais in Paris.
It was stunning.
I absolutely liked how this exhibition depicted the evolution of Kupka’s work throughout his life. From press illustrations to his works on representation and lastly of course, abstraction, I got the chance to discover his art, and his artistic universe. Striking.
His outstanding talent fascinated me. His vision of the world, the way he interpreted it was very unique, colorful, geometrical, conceptual. I loved it.
It is beautiful to see how an artist gives his inner, even, intimate perception of life in his work. He shares with us a part of his own self. This is beautiful.
After all, art is the expression of what is hidden inside the mind of the artist. It is the visual reasoning of his mind.
It is his everlasting legacy.

For more about Arts, visit my Pinterest Board about this beautiful subject.