The fashion industry has been, for several years now, progressively including eco-responsibility in its core values and DNA in order to be less harmful for the environment and for the planet.
This decision is also due to the fact that more and more consumers want to live a more ecologic life, and the power of their resolution leads brands to adopt the same values.
From raw materials and their sourcing, to the respect of animals and human workers, fashion brands are continuously transforming their supply chains and methods of production so they can be fully transparent and committed to the preservation of the planet, the animals and the human beings.
While it is not very easy to know if a fashion brand is eco-conscious and eco-responsible, some apps can help us have this information. Here are some examples of them:
Good On You is an app that rates fashion brands on their responsibily and their environmental impact. It also helps consumers discover ethical fashion brands all over the world, and it provides them with news and information about sustainable fashion in general.

SloWeAre is a platform and a label for eco-conscious fashion brands. It helps consumers know more about the commitments of fashion brands regarding responsibility and the actual actions that they make to respect them.

Clear Fashion is an app that helps consumers know what is behind the clothes they buy through the analysis of more than 32 impact criteria. These criteria are part of 4 families of commitment : humans, health, environment and animals.

It certainly exists (and will exist) more platforms and apps that decrypt the “behind the scenes” of our clothes in order to help us have more information about what we wear. All theses apps and initiatives are great tools to increase our knowledge on sustainable fashion.
And to reaffirm the strong influence that we have, as consumers.
Source: Mode durable : ces sites ou applis qui vous aident à y voir plus clair
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